Birchington Weather

51° 22.28' N | 001° 18.08' E | 19 meter | Show on map

Yearly Weather Summary

14/03/25 13:10:00

Station:Vantage Pro2
Software:weewx v5.1.0
Weewx uptime:4806608 seconds
Server uptime:4823354 seconds

Calendar Year

High Temperature17.4°C07/03/25 14:54:50
Low Temperature-3.1°C10/01/25 08:40:00
High Heat Index16.7°C07/03/25 14:54:52
Low Wind Chill-3.3°C03/01/25 05:35:00
High Dewpoint11.1°C05/01/25 13:05:00
Low Dewpoint-4.4°C10/01/25 08:40:00
High Humidity96%12/01/25 13:00:00
Low Humidity51%06/03/25 16:25:42
High Barometer1041.8 mbar06/02/25 07:56:04
Low Barometer971.3 mbar06/01/25 09:55:00
High Wind Speed34 mph 158°01/01/25 11:20:00
Average Wind3 mph
RMS Wind4 mph
Vector Average Speed1 mph
Vector Average Direction171°
High Inside Temperature24.8°C08/03/25 16:14:05
Low Inside Temperature13.9°C10/03/25 07:49:59
High UV2.414/03/25 11:39:23
Low UV0.001/01/25 00:05:00
High ET0.3 mm06/03/25 12:00:00
Low ET0.0 mm01/01/25 00:05:00
High Radiation773 W/m²13/03/25 11:44:13
Low Radiation0 W/m²01/01/25 00:05:00

Rain Year (1-Jan start)

Rain Year Total89.8 mm
High Rain Rate40.6 mm/h01/01/25 14:05:00

Yearly Statistics and Plots

temperatures heatchill Daily highs and lows for the year rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector UV Index Radiation year rx percent